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Let’s capture the magic of your family.

Hey! I’m Nayshan- let me break that one down for you- “Nay” like a horse and “shan” like Shannon. hahaha I just made you neigh..

When I became a mother I realized how fleeting our lives are. People told me over and over “the days are long but the years are short”. I remember being so pissed because my days just seemed to be wizzing by one after another. I felt like I had just brought my precious bundle home from the hospital and yet she was suddenly walking and FULL of sass (just like her dada). I began to understand the importance of embracing each day and trying to preserve these fleeting moments. I had dabbled in photography and enjoyed it but when I began filming our days it truly ignited a passion in me like nothing I had ever felt before. THIS IS WHAT I LOVE TO DO! Then I began sharing my films with friends and family and realized the emotions that I was able to evoke and I knew THIS IS WHAT I WAS MADE TO DO!

I love spontaneity, nature, traveling and adventure. My forever true love is and always will be food, give.me.all.the.food. With my passion for nature it was natural for me to pursue a career in biology. I love my job as a biologist in an ecotoxicology lab but it left my creative side screaming for an outlet, hence videography.


All the dirt on me

  • I’ve always been pickle obsessed! I can eat an entire jar and don’t you dare throw out all of that glorious juice. 

  • I don’t really like movies...I know I know, such an unpopular opinion but they just take so long! I’d much rather watch a tv show. 

  • My husband and I were high school sweethearts, well I actually started crushing on him in grade 7!

  • I have a 4 pound long haired chihuahua named Daisy Mae and a 20 pound cat named Zeus. Can you guess who the boss of the house is? Don’t let size fool you. 

  • I don’t like shopping at malls, I would way rather go to the thrift store 

  • I don’t like coffee, like even just the smell of it makes me nauseous. I much prefer tea, kombucha, sparkling water or even just plain water 

  • I eat plant based and love it! Vegan food seems scary and foreign but I’ve learnt it can be so simple and tasty

  • At home I’m probably rocking a moo moo much to my husbands disgust, they are literally the ultimate clothing item 

  • My mom created my first name, Nayshan. She combined her name and her two best friends names; Joanne, Nancy and Shannon